Question : MS Access VBA - test if docmd.openquery successful
If I run the following code....
docmd.setwarnings false
docmd.openquery "qryUpdate"
docmd.setwarnings true
how can I test if it has been successful or not. For example, because I have warnings switched off, if I do an update query that puts text into a number field it fails but doesn't tell me. How can I get around this (without switching warnings back on which isn't an option)
Many thanks
Answer : MS Access VBA - test if docmd.openquery successful
You can switch to a different method, which will error out if trouble arises:
Sub SomeButton_Click()
On Error Goto ProcErr
Currentdb.Execute "The SQL FROM qryUpdate"
Exit Sub
Msgbox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Desciption
End Sub
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