Question : Help Displaying Message on Correct Child Form in MDI Parent

I am trying to get a VB .Net application working that has the following:

MDI Parent Form

4 Child Windows Forms

One socket that listens for incoming messages on a separate thread

Parsing the incoming socket message will tell me on which of the 4 child windows to display the message

Assuming the incoming message looks something like:

Screen1^This is a test message

When the message is received, how would I then get the message back to the correct form

I plan on using a delegate to pass the message back to the GUI thread.  Something like:


Each of the four child forms has a handler for the delegate.  Something like:

Private Delegate Sub DisplayMessageHandler(ByVal messageToDisplay As String)

My question is how to get the incoming message to the correct form.  For example, if the message is "Screen1^This is a test message", how can I get it to display on child form 1, and not on child forms 2, 3, and 4?

Answer : Help Displaying Message on Correct Child Form in MDI Parent

That is correct.  Or you could use

For each frm as Form1 in mainForm.ChildForms

Where you specify the correct type immediatly, so you can avoid the DirectCast.
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