Question : SBS 2008 Email

I have 2008 SBS server which does not have the exchange component.  Our e-mail is hosted by 3rd party provider over the web (SMTP/POP).  When we setup the user accounts, the server asked for the e-mail address by default it picked up the  which is wrong.  When users open outlook and go to the global address book to get names for e-mails they get the local domain instead of the real e-mail address.  

I tried to change the e-mail in the user account in the sbs console it wouldn't except the change.  I went to the exchange console (even thou we are not using exchange) and put the real email address as a "reply address" while keeping the old address.  Also, turned off the update policy.  This seemed to take but the change is not reflected in the clients machine when they open and e-mail and go to the Global Address Book to resolve a e-mail address.  

Our E-mail domain is different from out local server domain.  Mail is web based, I'm trying to get the local e-mail address to reflect our web based e-mail address not the local server.  Does anybody know how to make this change?  

Answer : SBS 2008 Email

You cannot remove the default [email protected] address but you can add the appropriate address and then make it the primary address. This is done in the Exchange System Management console under the user settings.

Exchange can be configured to get the mail from your hosted service using a "Pop connector" quite easily. This would then allow the server to get the mail rather than the client, import it to exchange, and then be backed up with your server as well as allow users to sync with mobile devices, and use outlook Web Access.
Just a thought if you want another option.
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