Question : My Datasource is xml so how can Crystal Reports help me?

I have an application of which I would like to be able to generate a report of certain data contained in my xml file.

I have never used Crystal Reports before .... and from what I can see of most tutorials they use Database files to bind to the report ....

I haven't found any tutorial or example that uses what I have .... an application with textboxes which the info entered is saved to an xml file.

I want to display that info as a report ..... I am using vs2005 .....

Anyone point me int he right direction ... or provide an example .... I am willing to provide more detailed info if needed such as the xml structure or what ever else you might need ...

I am a hard worker, I learn fast but, just need a good starter example of how I might can make this work.

I have vs2005 .......

Answer : My Datasource is xml so how can Crystal Reports help me?

SPLIT mlmcc(18901287) and VBRocks(18912819)

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