Question : Find the syntax error in a INSERT INTO statement

I've got a syntax error but I can't figure out where.  Can you find it?  Thank you!

strSQL1 = "INSERT INTO TBL_Office_Visits_Students ( AutoNumber, Visit_Date, Visit_Time, ReasonForVisit, EmployeeBeingVisited, OfficeVisits,) VALUES " _
       & "('" & Me.AutoNumber.Value & "', Date(), Time(), '" & Me.reasonForVisitComboBox.Value & "', '" & Me.employeeBeingVisitedComboBox.Value & "', 1')"

Answer : Find the syntax error in a INSERT INTO statement

Noticed another couple of problems, try again:
INSERT INTO TBL_Office_Visits_Students ( AutoNumber, Visit_Date, Visit_Time, ReasonForVisit, EmployeeBeingVisited, OfficeVisits) VALUES(" & _ 
       Me.AutoNumber.Value & ", Date(), Time(), '" & Me.reasonForVisitComboBox.Value & "', '" & Me.employeeBeingVisitedComboBox.Value & "', 1)"
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