Question : SBS 2003 Exchange Crash!

Hi experts.

An hour ago, my SBS crashed, and all Outlook Clients show as "disconnected" and "Cannot display the folder. Microsoft Office Outlook cannot access the specified folder location. Network problems are preventing connection to Microsoft Exchange" but the Internet Connectivity works fine. I restarted the server, but it still is the same thing. It looks like exchange is not working. I can also see some messages waiting for be delivered.

I tried logging into our web based email client, but it shows "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable" after logging in successfully.

Please help urgently.


Answer : SBS 2003 Exchange Crash!

Are there any other errors in the event log?

Check for the following events:

Check the application log on your Exchange Server for the following:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 1112
Description: The database "Mailbox Store (Server Name)" has reached the maximum allowed size. Attempting to unmount the database.

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: Space Management
Event ID: 445
Description: Information Store (3160) The database D:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\priv1.edb has reached its maximum size of 16383 MB. If the database cannot be restarted, an offline defragmentation may be performed to reduce its size.

If this is the case then Services Pack 2 can be applied for Exchange Server 2003 from here:
If you are running Small Business Server 2003 then you need to ensure that you have SP2 for Exchange along with SP2 for Windows and SP1 for SBS:

Once you are running SP2 for Exchange you can increase the size of your Information Store Limit but following this article: upto a maximum of 75GB
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