Question : how run a macro(that does some tests) the moment MS Acess fires

hello there experts,

i have an ms access application. i want to sell each copy of it to some people-customers. i must somehow lock the access application.

what i have done is this.

1) before i send them the access application in a cd i send them an excel file
2) in this excel file there is a button and a macro written in vba. when someone clicks it, a new hidden sheet is created and in a cell the name of the computer is written.
3) it is all oblivious to the user and then he has to send me back the .xls file

so i know his computer name.

then i need to write some code in the access application(that i have already) that will read the computer name and compare it with the computername i already have. if it is the same i need to open the access database. if not i must hide all windows and hide and make all database objects inaccessible.
below folows the code that i find the computername.

well i need to tell me which is the first event that fires when i open an access excel it is workbook_open. in access which is that event? and when i find it, how i hide and make unusable all the database objects if the comparison of the computer names are not the same?

is this a secure way to lock the application?

Code Snippet:
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "GetComputerNameA" _
    (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Function ReturnComputerName() As String
Dim rString As String * 255, sLen As Long, tString As String
    tString = ""
    On Error Resume Next
    sLen = GetComputerName(rString, 255)
    sLen = InStr(1, rString, Chr(0))
    If sLen > 0 Then
        tString = Left(rString, sLen - 1)
        tString = rString
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ReturnComputerName = UCase(Trim(tString))
End Function

Answer : how run a macro(that does some tests) the moment MS Acess fires

The application should run with Runtime.
The User Should NOT be required to purchase Access 2007.
Just Package it up with ruintime on an XP Machine
I did that and two people who do not have Acess insatlled ran the app - no problem
Process for getting name and building a key.
In a Macro named Startup I have a Macro named   Autoexec.
         When access starts to will automatically run this macro
In the MAcro I have a line
Condition    - modCheckforEULAorRFP("EULA Agreement")
Action         - OpenForm
Form Name  - frmEULA  

Form frmEULA has on open code that gets the computer name, checks if a license key is entered, checks for license end date etc.
  If there is no KEy then I set a 30 day trial .
  Also generate an encrypted key based on "Trial", "Single User", "Enterprise"
  If the license type is blank I make it "Trial" and build a key.
The info I want from the user is saved in a Usys Table.
I then print a report with the info or let them send me an email through outlook (all access VB code)
I now have the computer name and the license they want.
If they decide to purchase I email them back a key.
My Access code (when the license opens) allows them to enter a key.
If they enter a key and the reverse encryption results in "User" or "Enterprise" I change the Application Name to "RFP Manager"
Then the frmEULA is never opened.

When the application is ready to be distributed.
Set Application name  -  Tools  >  Startup set Application name to "EULA Agreement"

Later in the MAcro I have :
Condition    -  modCheckforEULAorRFP("RFP Manager")
Action         - OpenForm
Form Name  - SwitchboardLogin

I do other code in the app so when the login form starts  I test fo "Trial" and display an expiration date.

My Key is based on Start(Installation Date), Trial Period, License Type and computer name.
If they ask for another trial period I send them a new key when they enter it.
I run code that gets the Install date from the access table, the computer name and builds a key based on the Install Date, Name, Period and the text "Trial" "Single User" or Enterprise.
If no match then I build a key based on Install Date, 60 day period and "Trial".
If no match then it is an invalid key.
If there is a match I reset the end date for the trial.

If I give you the code I have then the encryption would be in the public domain.
I can't do that.  I will look into a revised version but it will take some time and with my schedule would be a couple of weeks.
Right now I am converting a system from A97 to 2007 , with a new menu system, and since it is a client I have to get that done first.
Over the next day or two I will see what I can release.

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