Question : Simple (I think) but Urgent:  Copy (XCopy?) files from multiple subdirectories into one directory

Given a folder c:\docs, with a complex subdirectory structure, is there a way I can copy all the *.doc files in c:\docs\, and all subdirectories of c:\docs, into a single directory?  Preferably this would be c:\docs, but I can handle another directory.

I thought XCopy would do this, but if I specify the /S parameter, it creates the subdirectory, only giving me a carbon copy of the docs directory.

This is probably simple but urgent, so I give it 500 points...

Answer : Simple (I think) but Urgent:  Copy (XCopy?) files from multiple subdirectories into one directory

NT with extensions on?  WIN 9X does not know FOR /F ...

From command line all %% must become %

for /F %f in ('dir /b /s c:\docs\*.doc') do echo copy "%f" "c:\doccopy\%~nxf"

(This still be steve's answer)

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