Question : Read structure from binary file

I want to read an array of structures from a binary file using VB.NET.

Old VB6 code is like this:

Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #FileNumber Len = FileLength
Get #FileNumber, , ArrayOfStructures(Index)

I now need to use a binaryReader I assume that can read a byte().
But how to EASILY put the byte() into the structure?
I can't place all bytes just like that into the structure like in old VB6 right?
I assume it does need to be done property by property using some init method or something?
Something like
public sub init(byteArray as byte())
    IntegerProperty = cint(byteArray(index))   ' however I'd need 4 bytes of course to put into this integer.
end sub

The old code used long, now uses integer.
Doubles are the same in VB6 and on byte level I think?
The strings are all of a set size like this in VB6
PrevTickExt As String * 4

I made this in VB.NET like this:
    Private m_PrevTickExt as string

    Public Property PrevTickExt(ByVal i As Integer) As String
        Return m_PrevTickExt(i).PadRight(PrevTickExtLen)
      End Get
      Set(ByVal value As String)
        m_PrevTickExt(i) = value.Substring(1, Math.Min(PrevTickExtLen, value.Length))
      End Set
    End Property

So basically I'd just like to easily retrieve i.e 4 values from the byte array and cast them to an integer, or 8 bytes to double or 4 bytes to string.
It seems easier to do in c#, but I'm bound to VB for this. Also don't want to only make this part in C#.

Answer : Read structure from binary file

I presume that the file is a fixed length file = FileLength
if so then why not this?

Dim f as Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(f, FileName, OpenMode.Random, , OpenShare.Shared, FileLength)
Dim k as Integer = LOF(f) \ Filelength
Dim st(k) as MyStructure
For i = 1 to k
FileGet(f, st, i)

A problem with this, which I can't solve is that you have to have
Option Strict Off
Random Solutions  
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