Question : Cannot Open PDF in IE7, Tries to save .aspx file instead
We have a workstation that is not allowing the user to launch some pdf files in their IE7 browser, prompting them to find a program to launch the file DisplayPDF.aspx, or save it instead. The user is able to open other pdf files in their IE 7 browser - we confirmed this by googling pdf and opening the 'Introduction to R' file that is listed there. We have added the problem site to the user's trusted sites, set the security level to low for trusted sites, manually set the security settings for the internet zone, and reset all security settings back to default, none of these have resolved the issue. Other users are able to properly access the pdf files.
Answer : Cannot Open PDF in IE7, Tries to save .aspx file instead
This was an issue with adobe reader and running the Repair option from the help menu resolved it.
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