Question : this exchange activesync server requires security features your phone does not support on Droid

I am trying to configure my Motorola Droid to do Active Sync.

When I try to sync I get this error:
this exchange activesync server requires security features your phone does not support

activesync works fine with the iPhone, but not the droid.

Here are the settings that I am using

domain\username:  my_domain\user

password:   xxxxxxx

Exchange Server:    * this is the how access OWA
also I tried my local server  .

please help


Answer : this exchange activesync server requires security features your phone does not support on Droid


Though I wasn't explicit and it was off the cuff (not in front of Exchange Server), I believe I did point you in the right direction..


"Could be two things...

On the Exchange Server  the messaging administrator must set the Mobile settings under Global Settings to support needed cleints.."

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