To clarify:
Re: COM references, what I meant was that if you create a VS reference to Excel by browsing to the Office folder in Program Files and selecting the Excel object library, VS will automatically create an interop for you because the Office libraries are COM componenets not .NET assemblies. This is what I meant by creating your own interops. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS. Microsoft have already done this for you in the PIA.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel v 11 is part of the Office 2003 PIA. If you see this reference in the .NET tab of the references dialog in VS, you must already have the PIA in the GAC so you don't need to download the PIA.
Yes, ignore the COM tab.
Re: VSTO, a VSTO solution doesn't need to be attached to a specific spreadsheet. You can install your VSTO solution for a particular user, and every time that user starts Excel, your solution will be loaded. If you customise the Excel toolbars or menus, this customisation will be present in all spreadsheets. It sounds like this may be a suitable approch for your requirements.