Question : Passing parameters via code on queries created using TableAdapter Query Wizard

hi all,

I have a program that displays data from my ms Access 2007 database using a DataGridView. To sort out the data to be displayed, I created a few query strings using the TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard. And my program will flow in this way:

A user will select from a combox a particular item by which he/she would like to sort out the data. Based on the user's selection, i will call upon my preset query by using the FillBy command and the data displayed on my DataGridView will follow suite.

Vb program details:
  - uses ms Access 2007 as database
  - is edited locally (including the database - program will only display data, not allow users to update) but is published and run from a website and is available only online (vb publish options)
  - published data will include the database (which is then deployed as MyDB.mdb.deploy)

Part of my code that displays data based on my preset query is as follows:

Private Sub cmbSort_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbSort.SelectedIndexChanged

            Select Case cmbSort.Text
                Case "Metal"
                Case "UPVC"
                Case "All"
            End Select

As by creating query strings using the Wizard, the queries are on my table adapter as shown on the attached image.

My question is, is there a way for me to edit a query or pass a parameter to a query created using the Wizard via code? This would eliminate the need for me to create several queries beforehand, and instead use one query whose parameters i edit via code on runtime. Thank you all in advance!

Answer : Passing parameters via code on queries created using TableAdapter Query Wizard

hi codecruiser, thank you for the input. i am sorry for the late response, i had been sick for the past few days. i have had a day to try out your solution, but have failed to produce a desired result especially when i deploy my program to a server.

in a bid to follow through with my original question, i have tried the properties associated with the table adapter for me to access the command text. and fortunately, i have found a solution. Instead of using TableName.SelectCommand right away, it would be TableName.Adapater.SelectCommand.CommandText.

In reference to my example for my original question, i was able to edit the query via code using the following command:

    _140TableAdapter.Adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "Select * From ...."

In any case, I thank you for your willingness to help.
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