Question : WinRM Fails To Start on Windows Server NOT R2

Over the weekend, I installed Microsoft update KB968930, Windows Management Framework Core package (Windows PowerShell 2.0 and WinRM 2.0), on three servers.  Two of them are Windows 2003 Server Standard, 32 bit, and one Windows 2003 Server R2 Standard, 32 bit.  This added the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)/WinRM service to the machines.  

The service won't start on one of the NON-R2 machines.  It gives the following error message:
Event Type:      Error
Event Source:      WinRM
Event Category:      None
Event ID:                           10119
Date:            12/21/2009
Time:            10:29:36 AM
User:            N/A
Computer:                           [ServerName]
The WinRM service is unable to start because of a failure during initialization.

 Additional Data
 The error code is 1300.

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I found one reference that's a couple of years old that talks about the NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService possibly not having the correct rights in AD, but this seems unlikely in this case since the service starts properly on the other two machines.

I tried the quickconfig option, but that requires the service to be able to start, which it won't.

Thank you,

Answer : WinRM Fails To Start on Windows Server NOT R2

I'd check it anyway.  No two servers are ever completely identical unless they've just been imaged and no one has done anything to them yet.
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