Question : Compare two tables and record calculated value in query

Please help,

I have two tables in a MS Access 2007 DB.  One table contains work orders and all relevant information to them, and a second table contains a list of service technicians.  I need to be able query the work orders table and segregate work orders assigned to a technician from those assigned to vendors.  Ideally, what I would like to have is a query with a calculated field that query's the work orders table and then compares the [assignment] field in the work order table to the list of technicians in the Technicians table ([tech] field).  If the [assignement] field in the W/O Table contains an assignment name (i.e. technicians name) listed in the Technicians table I would like for the calculated field in the query to return a value of "1".  If not, then a value of "0".  I could then query this query to pull out the work orders assigned to technicians or vis versa as needed.

Please let me know if you need more information.


Answer : Compare two tables and record calculated value in query

Build your query that includes [Work Orders:TBL], [Technicians], and [Sites]
Selct the fields you want.
Add this calculated field TechOrVend: Abs( [Work Orders:TBL].[Assignment] = [Technicians].[Tech])

For more help, if issue not resolved, attach a sample database.
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