Question : Brainstorm: PDF Hyperlink into Access Form with Variable

This is a brainstorm session on methods and hyperlinking INTO an Access Database in Access 2007.

Basically, I want to put a link into a PDF file. (The link will be generated by Access in a report, but that is beside the point, and the methods for this are known.)

The link needs to
1. Open an Access Database (preferably only if not already open)
2. Go to a special form (regardless of if the database is open already or not) (this form may not be the default on-open form either)
3. Look up a record # (I know how to do that) by some kind of variable (the "record # variable") within the hyperlink.

Any ideas how to accomplish this? Remember, all that is needed is the correct format of the hyperlink, and any VBA (if necessary) to process command line arguements, commands, or switches.

Answer : Brainstorm: PDF Hyperlink into Access Form with Variable

Create a macro in the database that opens the form and navigates to the record or that calls a VBA procedure that does that. You can call the macro with the Ms Access /x switch. If you need to pass the record number, you can pass it with the /cmd switch. See:  Sample Access command line with switches (for A2003 - each version of Access is in a different folder):

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE C:SomeFolder/MyDatabase.mdb /x "OpenFormMacro" /cmd "123"
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