Question : Windows 7 remote desktop causes black screen and am forced to cold boot

I have Windows 7.  Here is the situation:
I lock my computer which we will call computer A.  I go to another computer (computer B) login with my credentials and remote into my computer (A) with my credentials.  Within the remote session of computer A I remote into another computer (computer C) with another users credentials and then disconnect (keeping the remote session from A -> C up with that user logged in.  I come back to my computer (A) and try to logon but the screen is black and nothing responds... keyboard, mouse.  I am forced to power off the computer and then it comes back upon powering back on.  I've tried unplugging the video cable and replug but nothing.  The video adapter has the most up-to-date driver and this never happened in Vista or XP so I'm thinking it has to be something about Win7.
Any ideas?

Answer : Windows 7 remote desktop causes black screen and am forced to cold boot

Kinda sounds like the new Black Screen of Death. This happens usually after credentials are put in.

Microsoft is blaming it on malware and other reports are showing an MS update is causing it. For right now, there's no real permanent resolution.
On your situation is the issue specific to a computer or is it always "Computer A" when you do this process but starting on a different pc?

I ran into the black screen once so far and what I did was kind of an accident. I put it on Stand By trying to shut it off. I noticed the power was still on after a few secs and I just hit the power button again and the screen came back up.
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