Question : Multiple Combo Box Selection in Microsoft Access

Hello there,

I remember seeing an example long ago but forgot where it is. The example showed (Access) a combo list box with check get an idea

It looked as the "Occupation" field selection in the website above. Is it still possible in Access? If so is there any tutorial available? If not what is the closes thing next to that?

What I am trying to do:

I am trying to give the user a multiple selection combo box, where he/she will choose their keywords and those keywords will be entered in the text box below separated by commas.

If the above is not possible, I believe the next option I have is a list box with multiple selection. If so is it possible to get the chosen words in to a text box separated by commas? Bit of coding help on this is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your time!

Answer : Multiple Combo Box Selection in Microsoft Access

using a list box

dim j , strList
with me.listboxname
      if .itemsselected.count >0 then
          for each j in .itemsselected
             strlist=strlist & "," & .itemdata(j)
      end if
end with


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