Question : Caluculate if met SLA for completetion of task

HELP....Task gathered by date and time, completed is coded with date and time. But if request after work hours M-F 9-8:50 and sat 8-11:50 then need to start again during work hours. Also need to exclude days office closed

 No      Task                           completed                         Open_EST  Close_EST
1      1/5/10 5:27 PM      1/5/10 6:22 PM      9:00:00 AM      8:50:00 PM
2      1/5/10 5:28 PM      1/5/10 6:22 PM      9:00:00 AM      8:50:00 PM
3      1/5/10 6:28 PM      1/6/10 8:07 AM      9:00:00 AM      8:50:00 PM
4      1/5/10 6:30 PM      1/6/10 8:08 AM      9:00:00 AM      8:50:00 PM
5      1/5/10 6:31 PM      1/6/10 8:05 AM      9:00:00 AM      8:50:00 PM

There SLA is 4 hours to complete, to be correct if after work hours should start next day.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Caluculate if met SLA for completetion of task

Hello SusanSSS,

You can use these UDFs to caluclate the "working time":

Function WorkingHrs(StartAt As Date, EndAt As Date, WorkStart As Date, WorkEnd As Date, Workdays As String, _
    ParamArray Holidays())

    ' Function calculates working hours available within a specified datetime range, allowing for
    ' scheduled working hours, non-working days, and holidays (if desired)
    ' Workdays specifies days employees normally work.  For example, to use Mon - Fri, use 23456.
    ' To do just Tue & Thu, use 35; etc.
    ' Assumes scheduled working hrs are the same on each working day!
    ' To use this function to calculate "working days", then simply divide the result from the function by
    ' the length of a standard workday in hours.
    Dim Counter As Long
    Dim Dict As Object
    Dim x As Variant
    Dim y As Variant
    Dim Days(1 To 7) As Boolean
    Dim WorkThisDay As Boolean
    Dim HolThisDay As Boolean
    Dim DateToday As Date
    Dim DayStart As Date
    Dim DayEnd As Date
    ' array indicates whether that weekday is a regular workday.  Initialize to False
    Days(1) = False
    Days(2) = False
    Days(3) = False
    Days(4) = False
    Days(5) = False
    Days(6) = False
    Days(7) = False
    ' populate array with results from Workdays argument
    For Counter = 1 To Len(Workdays)
        Days(Val(Mid(Workdays, Counter, 1))) = True
    On Error GoTo Cleanup
    ' populate holiday array
    If Not IsMissing(Holidays) Then
        Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For Each x In Holidays
            ' Each element of Holidays may itself be an array (or an Excel range with >1 cell).  Test for that,
            ' and iterate through the elements of *that* array if needed.  If not, then simply process the
            ' current element
            If IsArray(x) Then
                For Each y In x
                    If Not Dict.Exists(Format(y, "m/d/yyyy")) Then Dict.Add Format(y, "m/d/yyyy"), Format(y, "m/d/yyyy")
                If Not Dict.Exists(Format(x, "m/d/yyyy")) Then Dict.Add Format(x, "m/d/yyyy"), Format(x, "m/d/yyyy")
            End If
    End If
    'loop through days in datetime range
    For Counter = Int(StartAt) To Int(EndAt)
        DateToday = CDate(Counter)
        ' determine if regular workday
        WorkThisDay = Days(Weekday(DateToday, vbSunday))
        ' determine if holiday
        If IsMissing(Holidays) Then
            HolThisDay = False
            If Dict.Exists(Format(DateToday, "m/d/yyyy")) Then HolThisDay = True Else HolThisDay = False
        End If
        ' if regular workday and not a holiday, figure out hrs from that day
        If WorkThisDay And Not HolThisDay Then
            ' starts and ends on same day
            If Int(StartAt) = Int(EndAt) Then
                DayStart = IIf(CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)) > WorkStart, CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)), WorkStart)
                DayEnd = IIf(CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)) < WorkEnd, CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)), WorkEnd)
                WorkingHrs = IIf(CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart) < 0, 0, CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart))
            ' first day, if first day <> last day
            ElseIf Counter = Int(StartAt) Then
                DayStart = IIf(CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)) > WorkStart, CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)), WorkStart)
                DayEnd = WorkEnd
                WorkingHrs = IIf(CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart) < 0, 0, CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart))
            ' days in between start and end, if any
            ElseIf Counter > Int(StartAt) And Counter < Int(EndAt) Then
                WorkingHrs = WorkingHrs + CDbl(WorkEnd - WorkStart)
            ' last day, if first day <> last day
            ElseIf Counter = Int(EndAt) Then
                DayStart = IIf(CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)) > WorkStart, WorkStart, CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)))
                DayEnd = IIf(CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)) < WorkEnd, CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)), WorkEnd)
                WorkingHrs = WorkingHrs + IIf(CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart) < 0, 0, CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart))
            End If
        End If
    ' convert days to hours
    WorkingHrs = WorkingHrs * 24
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set Dict = Nothing
End Function

Function WorkingHrsHolTbl(StartAt As Date, EndAt As Date, WorkStart As Date, WorkEnd As Date, Workdays As String, _
    Optional HolidayTblName As String = "", Optional HolidayDateColName As String = "")
    ' This function is intended for use in Access, in which you may have a table that defines
    ' holidays.  Holidays are always considered non-working days, and override the normal business
    ' days provided in the Workdays argument
    ' Requires reference to DAO library!
    ' Function calculates working hours available within a specified datetime range, allowing for
    ' scheduled working hours, non-working days, and holidays (if desired)
    ' Workdays specifies days employees normally work.  For example, to use Mon - Fri, use 23456.
    ' To do just Tue & Thu, use 35; etc.
    ' assumes scheduled working hrs are the same on each working day!
    Dim Counter As Long
    Dim Dict As Object
    Dim x As Variant
    Dim y As Variant
    Dim Days(1 To 7) As Boolean
    Dim WorkThisDay As Boolean
    Dim HolThisDay As Boolean
    Dim DateToday As Date
    Dim DayStart As Date
    Dim DayEnd As Date
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    ' array indicates whether that weekday is a regular workday.  Initialize to False
    Days(1) = False
    Days(2) = False
    Days(3) = False
    Days(4) = False
    Days(5) = False
    Days(6) = False
    Days(7) = False
    ' populate array with results from Workdays argument
    For Counter = 1 To Len(Workdays)
        Days(Val(Mid(Workdays, Counter, 1))) = True
    On Error GoTo Cleanup
    ' populate holiday array
    If HolidayTblName <> "" And HolidayDateColName <> "" Then
        ' test for brackets around table/column names, just in case they are needed and user omitted them
        If Left(HolidayTblName, 1) <> "[" Then HolidayTblName = "[" & HolidayTblName
        If Right(HolidayTblName, 1) <> "]" Then HolidayTblName = HolidayTblName & "]"
        If Left(HolidayDateColName, 1) <> "[" Then HolidayDateColName = "[" & HolidayDateColName
        If Right(HolidayDateColName, 1) <> "]" Then HolidayDateColName = HolidayDateColName & "]"
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & HolidayDateColName & " FROM " & HolidayTblName)
        Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Do Until rs.EOF
            If Not Dict.Exists(Format(rs.Fields(0), "m/d/yyyy")) Then
                Dict.Add Format(rs.Fields(0), "m/d/yyyy"), Format(rs.Fields(0), "m/d/yyyy")
            End If
        Set rs = Nothing
    End If
    'loop through days in datetime range
    For Counter = Int(StartAt) To Int(EndAt)
        DateToday = CDate(Counter)
        ' determine if regular workday
        WorkThisDay = Days(Weekday(DateToday, vbSunday))
        ' determine if holiday
        If HolidayTblName = "" Or HolidayDateColName = "" Then
            HolThisDay = False
            If Dict.Exists(Format(DateToday, "m/d/yyyy")) Then HolThisDay = True Else HolThisDay = False
        End If
        ' if regular workday and not a holiday, figure out hrs from that day
        If WorkThisDay And Not HolThisDay Then
            ' starts and ends on same day
            If Int(StartAt) = Int(EndAt) Then
                DayStart = IIf(CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)) > WorkStart, CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)), WorkStart)
                DayEnd = IIf(CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)) < WorkEnd, CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)), WorkEnd)
                WorkingHrsHolTbl = IIf(CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart) < 0, 0, CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart))
            ' first day, if first day <> last day
            ElseIf Counter = Int(StartAt) Then
                DayStart = IIf(CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)) > WorkStart, CDate(StartAt - Int(StartAt)), WorkStart)
                DayEnd = WorkEnd
                WorkingHrsHolTbl = IIf(CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart) < 0, 0, CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart))
            ' days in between start and end, if any
            ElseIf Counter > Int(StartAt) And Counter < Int(EndAt) Then
                WorkingHrsHolTbl = WorkingHrsHolTbl + CDbl(WorkEnd - WorkStart)
            ' last day, if first day <> last day
            ElseIf Counter = Int(EndAt) Then
                DayStart = IIf(CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)) > WorkStart, WorkStart, CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)))
                DayEnd = IIf(CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)) < WorkEnd, CDate(EndAt - Int(EndAt)), WorkEnd)
                WorkingHrsHolTbl = WorkingHrsHolTbl + IIf(CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart) < 0, 0, CDbl(DayEnd - DayStart))
            End If
        End If
    ' convert days to hours
    WorkingHrsHolTbl = WorkingHrsHolTbl * 24
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set Dict = Nothing
End Function

To use WorkingHrs, use an expression such as:

SELECT Start, Finish, WorkingHrs(Start, Finish, #9:00 AM#, #8:50 PM#, "23456") + WorkingHrs(Start, Finish, #8:00 AM#, #11:50 AM#, "7") AS WorkTime
FROM SomeTable

Because you indicated you have different "open hours" for Mon-Fri and for Sat, I needed two different expressions.

If you have a table for holidays that you would want to exclude, you can use:

SELECT Start, Finish, WorkingHrsHolTbl(Start, Finish, #9:00 AM#, #8:50 PM#, "23456", "tblHolidays", "HolidayDate") +
      WorkingHrsHolTbl(Start, Finish, #8:00 AM#, #11:50 AM#, "7", "tblHolidays", "HolidayDate") AS WorkTime
FROM SomeTable


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