Question : Chinese characters and Excel

Lads, I'm having this problem that's wrecking my head completely. We export a data source file (essentially a tab delimited file with headings and data in UTF8 format), if this file contains Chinese characters it goes pear-shaped when read in through excel on a Chinese OS, if I open the same file in notepad on the same Chinese OS the data appears fine - RAGE! If I then save that file as Unicode from notepad, and then open it in excel, it appears fine.

I'm quite new to all this, so please forgive me. I was looking at adding a Byte Order Mark to the start of the file #FFFE, which would force it to be read as Unicode - which I did, and which caused other characters to return corrupted, which is all doom I don't mind saying. I'm hesitant to make that change too - since it would affect everyone, and it's only a problem with Chinese Operating Systems.

Any suggestions at all would be greatly received.


Answer : Chinese characters and Excel

All I can suggest is that you investigate looking into the Multi-Language Pack, for your specific version of Office.

Here is the info link for Office 2007
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