Question : How do I add users to SharePoint 2.0 site via Address Book in Office 2007?
I've viewed the workaround on the MS site
(add user via their email address or domain name\username). This same workaround was also given on this site. I'm wondering if there is an actual solution out there vs. a workaround? Here is the explanation from MS for the cause of the issue:
This behavior occurs because the Address Book ActiveX control for Windows SharePoint Services is not included in Outlook 2007. The Address Book ActiveX control was included in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003. The Address Book ActiveX control enabled you to add users from an e-mail distribution list in Outlook 2003 to Windows SharePoint Services. Additionally, the Address Book ActiveX control enabled you to import contacts from Outlook 2003 to Windows SharePoint Services.
Can I install the Address Book ActiveX control that was included in Outlook 2003? My company is not scheduled to migrate to WSS 3.0 for probably another 6 months, and we have a lot of unhappy users.
Answer : How do I add users to SharePoint 2.0 site via Address Book in Office 2007?
No there isn't a solution other than the workaround.
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