Question : Tape Drive not reconized in Windows Explorer
I installed a new internal Sony Tape Drive on a new PC using XP pro connected via SATA Cable. The drive is not displayed in Windows Explorer or Retrospect but shows up in Device Manager as working properly.
I have bought an USB-SATA adaptor with the same result.
I have to mention that in order to install XP on the Intel G33BUC Motherboard I had to change in BIOS the Drive from SATA to IDE, otherwise I received the blue screen with a Harddrive error. Unfortunately the PC is at my Customer Office and I won't be able to access it over the weekend.
Any recommendations are welcomed as I need to get this backup working.
Thank you
Answer : Tape Drive not reconized in Windows Explorer
Tape drives are not random access devices and will not appear in device manager. Only software that knows to look for tape devices (such as NTBackup) will see the tape drive as a usable device.
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