Question : How to retrieve and submit using secondary data connections in InfoPath
I'm able to retrieve data into InfoPath from SQL via a Secondary Data Connection web service using a DataSet. I display the retrieved data in a table, and let the user make updates. Then I want to Submit the DataSet back to the database via another Secondary (submit) Data Connection.
Is there an easy, direct way to do that? I know there are step by step instructions online on how to do this with a Main (retrieve and submit) data connection, but I'm not sure how to do it with Secondary Data Connections. Any pointers to examples, or an overview on what I need to do? Thanks!
Answer : How to retrieve and submit using secondary data connections in InfoPath
By default InfoPath can only query and submit with the main data connection, and you need to create the form from scratch as a database form.
Secondary data is only possible to submit using web services.
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