Question : Outlook Anywhere - Exchange 2007 (SBS 2008) and Outlook 2003 / 2007
Hi, I have the following setup at my customers site:
SBS 2008 server with Outlook Anywhere enabled, this sits behind a Vigor 2800 router with ports 80 and 443 open. They have a fixed public IP address.
The clients are running XP Pro and Vista with Outlook 2003 and 2007
I have setup no certificates
The remote users need to connect to Outlook Anywhere
For OWA I can connect to the server using
, I do not have DNS setup for
What do I need to do so my clients can connect to the Exchange server over the Internet?
Answer : Outlook Anywhere - Exchange 2007 (SBS 2008) and Outlook 2003 / 2007
In 2003 you "could" get away with a self cert certificate, 2007 wont accept that.
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