Question : System recovery HP Mediasmart Home Server EX 475 - no server found
I have an HP Mediasmart EX475 home server that a while ago started dropping connection. I could connect sometimes, briefly but failure always returned. I re-installed the connector and tried all-sorts but got nowhere.
I presume that meant that the server OS was damaged - so want to do a 'server recovery'
I tried to do this through the existing network - no server found.
I opened the ports mentioned in the support info - no server found
I disconnected the internet and turned off the PC firewall completly - no server found
I connected the PC via a switch to the server - no server found
I tried using another PC on the network - no server found
I really need to get this server back but don't know what to do next.
I can't repair it if I can't talk to it - and I can't talk to it as it's broken - is this the catch 22 that you can be in with something that talks about 'secure storage'?
Any ideas much appreciated.
Mark Preston
Answer : System recovery HP Mediasmart Home Server EX 475 - no server found
Then again as far as can tell HP will be the only ones that can help. Maybe if I had the device here I might be able to try things, but obviously I can't... Of course it's still possible the recovery CD's are bad
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