Question : Downloading Freezes

With so many well-versed experts here, we were hoping to get another look for a question that is baffling, both in its existence and in its persistence.
Non-exchange version
Querying only Pop3 accounts

When the downloads start and until all messages are finished coming in, Outlook is frozen.  

Now, “No big deal.” You may reply.  Just remember not to touch your messages when you are downloading.  In fact, as one other person who also has the same problems said:

“I just don't try reading any of those new messages until it's done recieving messages.”. (1)  

This may deal effectively with someone running Outlook with a single email account.  Such a person knows when they download email, and, in the simplicity of their life, they can punch that button and wait.  Or, they know that they check their messages at the top of every hour, and respond to them during the hour leading up to the next download.  Happily they prepare themselves and stare in awe as their message come in; remembering to not start writing a message close to the top of the hour, or to try to read or write any until their messages are done coming in.

Remember the condition: Outlook freezes when downloading mail. Like:

“I am running Outlook 2003 SP1 on XP SP1, a 3 Ghz Dell with 1Gb memory.
Since I upgraded to Outlook 2003, about every 10-15 minutes I get an
icon in the tray with the caption "Microsoft Office Outlook is
synchronizing folders". While this icon is displayed, Outlook is
completely frozen. If I'm composing an email when it starts, all
keystrokes are lost until the 'synchronizing' is done. It can last
from 10 seconds to 3 minutes. While it is running, CPU usage is
pegged at 100%.” (2)

Now, many of you know that under the following features:

Tools > Option > Mail Set Up > Send/Receive

Outlook has the option to set up a send and receive group.  Which is:

A send and receive group contains a collection of outlook accounts and folders. You can specify the tasks that will be performed on the group during a send and receive.

Turning from our example of a person with just one email account, we, like many of you, have more than one e-mail account that we download with Outlook.  We divide them up using Send and Receive groups.  For example, we have business accounts, where we receive payment confirmations.  These, as you can imagine, are quite important.  We have included them in a Send and Receive Group that checks them for new messages every 5 minutes.  Then, there are our personal email accounts, which we have set to download every 30 minutes.  And we also have a miscellaneous group from which we download every hour.  

Recall the condition that we have defined and verified: during downlaods “Outlook is quite sluggish at that time, I don't even try clicking anything at that time, I know it won't respond.” (3)

And this condition began with Outlook/Office 2003.  

This has to be a settings issue.  How could Outlook be engineered to freeze when it downloads mail?  If one is responding to a message, and a send and receive group starts to download, the writing of that mail will freeze, and likely even cause a restart.  

If one is reading an already downloaded message that contains a link, and a send and receive group begins to download, clicking the link inside the already downloaded message will cause the default browser to freeze as well.  

If one relies on a combination of email delivering links to websites, then an email client that freezes when downloading, or that freezes and causes the default browser to freeze when clicking links in already downloaded messages effectively immobilizes one’s entire system.  

From even our cursory searches on the net and from the responses we received in another ee question, this situation is one that Pop3 users of Outlook are facing endemically.  This is a real issue.  One that exists, and appeared only with the advent of 2003, and its new nomenclature: it now says "Synchronizing folders" instead of "Downloading Messages" as the tak bar icon animates during downloads. (Whether terminology change is causal is not clear.)  What is clear is that a fairly dramatic limitation has appeared in Outlook 2003 using Pop3 accounts: it freezes during downloads.  We hope that it is in that spirit that assembled experts will approach our question - with a sense of intellectual curiosity and the dogged determination that is so evident throughout EE to run down to the end questions that crop up or issues that are foisted upon consumers by poor coding or poorly designed user interfaces.  Please help us to pull out the settings that cause Outlook 2003 querying Pop3 accounts to add something to downloading that causes it to freeze until all messages are downloaded.

1.      tebacher, 12/17/2004 12:07PM PST,
3.      tebacher, 12/17/2004 09:54AM PST,

Answer : Downloading Freezes

Hi Flowergarden,

I guess you could consider a .pst file like a big folder, in which all of the other folders like the inbox, outbox, contacts.... etc. are subfolders of that big folder.  A .pst file is actually a database file that has an index that acts as a "table of contents" for sorting data within the .pst file.  The error you are getting when repairing each .pst seems to be an index type error, where it's having problem matching it's index table with the data.

Before I go too much further into detail, have you tried importing your original .pst file into the "Test" profile?  Did it corrupt it again?

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