Question : How to extract table field list using query
I am creating a form that users will use to generate query on the fly similar to the ones on the following website:
I want to have a listbox with a selected list of fields from various tables in the database. Selecting Field List in Row Source Type gives all the fields and displays the field name like fldApplicant. I want to use a query so that I can display only the field that I want to display to the users(eg autonumber fields don't need to be displayed) and use alternative fields name such as Applicant Name
Answer : How to extract table field list using query
Or you can do this in a Value list:
fldAdminName;Admin Name;fldAdminEmail;Admin Email
Then set your Combo/Listbox to hide the first column, and show the second ... I've done exactly this with a Reporting interface I use.
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