Question : How do I change the currentproject.connection during run-time (or startup)?
I have a access project that normally connects to a SQL server, BUT there is a possibility (because the app will be commonly used on laptops) that the app will run independently from the SQL server so it will have limited functionality with a local DB connection. How do I tell Access to change its connection properties on startup or at runtime using VBA? I've tried:
Application.CurrentProject.CloseConnection Application.CurrentProject.Connection = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & cLocalDataPath & "local.mdb"
CurrentProject.Connection.Cancel '<---- or connection.close or closeconnection CurrentProject.Connection.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & cLocalDataPath & "HBACFPST.mdb"
there's always an error when I try to change the connectionstring. Help!
Answer : How do I change the currentproject.connection during run-time (or startup)?
One last thought before I go home. What does this do for you?
Application.CurrentProject.OpenConnection "Whatever", "userid", "password"