Question : Form_Timer doesn't execute

We have an application that displays the time on the entry form.  The form timer is set to fire every 1000 ms.  Unfortunately, this is not happening anymore.  It's been working fine for years.

We have other forms within the same application and several of them also have timers.  Most of the timers have the purpose of closing their form due to inactivity, and they are working. The code within the Form_Timer event isn't an issue because it's the same as code in at least one other form that is working.

The application is an compiled-database (MDE) in 2002-2003 format.  It's running on Terminal Server.  Microsoft Access 2003 is installed.

Answer : Form_Timer doesn't execute

It could be a corrupt form, although with an .mde that's not very likely. If you rebuild the .mde file and redeploy, does this still work?

Do your TS users all have a separate copy of the FrontEnd? That is, users don't share the SAME copy of the database (except for the data, of course)? Or is this strictly a single user application?
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