Question : activesync error 0x85030027
this error is driving me nuts i have spent hours trying to fix.
i have exchange 2007 installed on windows server 2008
i installed godaddy ssl cert owa works perfect but ever since installed my windwos mobile device will not sync i get error 0x85030027
i have looked in exchange 2007 and activesync is set to ignore certs i have also looked in IIS and i have seen you may need to enable it with Iisadmpwd whix i do not see in server 2008.
i have also tried to manually install the root cert as per
when moved to the device i cannot run the exe as it does not show when finding from the device
and running from the pc i dbl click and it just gives me the properties of the file Help I REALLY NEED MY EMAILS ON MY PHONE.
Answer : activesync error 0x85030027
Please visit either
and run the activesync test or download the app for windows from
and report back the results.
Posted via EE Mobile
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