Question : How to Create an On Key Press Event in Visual Studio 2005
I have created a web form in visual Studio 2005. There is a comments text box which I have limited to 500 characters. I would like to display another textbox or label that shows how many characters remain until the max character limit is reached. Every time a character is entered I would like to have the textbox that is counting the characteres be updated. how can I do this using VB?
I am new to VB. Any help would be appreciated.
Answer : How to Create an On Key Press Event in Visual Studio 2005
I was able to find a solution that works on the following site:
Here is the code incase someone else has the same question:
ssage, this.form.remLen, 160);" onkeydown="textCounter(txt
Message, this.form.remLen, 160);" />
characters left
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