Question : TC5730 Thin Client WES 2009 Terminal Services 2008 Single Sign On issue (0x507?)
Im trying to get single sign on to work using terminal services 2008 remote desktop on the above thin client running WES 2009. It gives me an 0x507 authentication error when i launch remote desktop? I have successsfully got this to work on XP SP3, Vista and XPe SP3 machines using the method im applying to the WES client. This has been done by enabling credssp.dll support on the machines (registry files amended, dll copied over if needed, terminal server side setup and the .rdp file enablecredsspsupport line added). As copied from here "
I have an XPe SP2 machine with the same issue but im guessing this is because it does not have sp3.
If I disable the line in the .rdp file (set to 0) it lets me log in to the server but I still have to enter my credentials.
Does anyone know why it doesnt work in WES, as this should have the same setup as XPe SP3 presumably considering it replaced XPe. If I cant get it to work is it easy to downgrade the client to XPe SP3 as have not done this before.
Many thanks in advance.
Answer : TC5730 Thin Client WES 2009 Terminal Services 2008 Single Sign On issue (0x507?)
You will have to contact the vendor to get an update. As far as I remember this is a known issue with the RDP client on XPe SP2.
Cláudio Rodrigues
Citrix CTP
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