Question : Exchange 2007 SP2 permission issues
Hi Experts,
We recently moved our AD from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, and now we are in the process of demoting old DC GCs, since we have setup a farm of Windows Server 2008 DCs
Everything was quite, since last night I realized that one of the exchange 2007 mailbox server is getting the following error
Microsoft Exchange System Attendant failed to read the membership of the universal security group '/dc=xxxxl/dc=xxxxx/ou=Mic
rosoft Exchange Security Groups/cn=Exchange Servers'; the error code was '8007203a'. The problem might be that the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant does not have permission to read the membership of the group.
If this computer is not a member of the group '/dc=xxxx/dc=xxxx/ou=Micro
soft Exchange Security Groups/cn=Exchange Servers', you should manually stop all Microsoft Exchange services, run the task 'add-ExchangeServerGroupMe
mber,' and then restart all Microsoft Exchange services
Can anyone point me on the right direction?
Answer : Exchange 2007 SP2 permission issues
see the article above that talks about adding Exchange server in to the Exchange Servers security group. add the problematic server.
if it is already there just remove it and then add again.
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