Question : Help installing Server 2003 on RAID
I have an Adaptec 1210SA sata raid controller in this machine. There are two hard disks in RAID 1 and no other disk drives in the system. I do not have a floppy drive on this machine. I went to install Server 2003 and it could not find the drives. It prompted me to press "S" or press "enter" to proceed. I pressed enter to proceed and it could not find any drives still.
What should I do? Is it possible to install Server 2003 on a raid configuration without a floppy drive? Please help
some additional background: The original configuration was an IDE drive with the OS on it, and two data drives (in raid 1). The IDE drive failed. So I am reinstalling windows, but not using an IDE. I want to install just on the RAID. Should I rebuild the RAID configuration as well? This is for home project
Answer : Help installing Server 2003 on RAID
Use nLite as suggested - I've been doing installs lately and it's really very easy - it'll take you perhaps 30 minutes to recreate a CD with the appropriate drivers.
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