Question : VBA error 3057 & 3075 - Refresh References question
I am using Access 2007.
I am finding that when I send my appliadtion to another machine it may or may not work on that machine. After sending the applciation to another machine I get an error message of 3057 or 3075, when running a certain query that involves the Format Function on a date field. The message is "Function isn't available in expressions in Query Expression".
There is a simple solution. I go into the VBA and add a reference. Any reference will do. Just this simple act of adding the reference somehow refreshes the thinking on the client machine. I don't even have to recompile or Save. Just by doing the above, if I then re-run the query, everything is fine.
So what's the problem? The problem is that I am adding this reference manually to the client machine, but there may be times in the future where the client will be running a Runtime version of Access and so adding a manual reference to VBA will not be an option.
I'm wondering if there is a code equivilent? Is there some innocous reference I could add using code. It does not seem to matter what you add. Just by adding any reference in VBA (tools menu, references) causes Access to get its thinking right again.
Answer : VBA error 3057 & 3075 - Refresh References question
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