Question : Excel VLookup based on Duplicate values

Im trying to do a simple vlookup based on a column with 5 values then searching for their corresponding companies in another column.  

I have a column A that is pulling the Top 5 sales numbers from the sales table sales column.  So i use the Large() formula and choose largest 5th, 4th. 3rd, 2nd, 1st values.  Some sales figures are ties so i run into an issue in which the Vlookup will ignore the tie and give out duplicate "company"names.  

I was thinking of creating another column in my table which will give me the row position for my 5th largest, 4th largest ... and so on values. This way i can use Vlookup with Mulitple criterias to get my "tied" Companies.

pretty much i want to be able to somehow do vlookup with duplicate values.   Attached is an example.

Answer : Excel VLookup based on Duplicate values

Try this formula in C3 copied down to give you ranks without duplicates


regards, barry

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