Question : Visual basic
What I want to know what is the right thing to study for the beginner of Visual Basic and C++.
Answer : Visual basic
In part I agree with WIB, however it is more important to consider the techniques in programming rather than a language. A wide exposure to languages gives you a more complete understanding of what is possible with algorithm's rather than having your style developed by one or two text books about the same language, which are usually written in a similar style.
On the subject of books to buy, I always give the book several tests before buying. I have developed these test after spending thousands of dollars on books and being ripped off by what seemd like a good buy.
1) Checkout the index, see how comprehensive it is. 2) Check the page count if the book is under 1,000 pages it probably is not worth buying. 3) Paper test. If the book appears thick but the page count is less than 1,000 pages the book is probably not worth buying. 4) If the book has 1,000 pages and on thin paper the it is probably full on content. This style of book usually does not re-iterate the manual that comes with yur copy of the software you are using. 5) Drop test if when you drop the book on a table and it makes a good slap sound like a text book then it probably it worth buying.