I resolved the issue.
There are 2 key things that have to occur to resolve:
1: as many in the exchange have stated -
you absolutely cannot have an aggregate function in the calculated fields that you want o aggregate again at the group level. To get around this issue, I took the
in my original calculated field expression and had the SQL query string generate this same value as "ProjectValue" as a field from the SQL query string. So now the calculated contains the following at the end :
Fields!ProjectValue.Value/Fields!RemainingDays.Value2. I used the runningValue function in the Group Footer, and it looks like this (Note- the mess in the middle is the same formula I have in the detail line - I have bolded the elements of the runningvalue function):
=runningvalue((iif(Fields!Planned_x0020_Start_x0020_Date.Valuemeters!SOCQ2.Value and Fields!Planned_x0020_End_x0020_Date.Value>Parameters!EOCQ2.Value,
0,datediff("d",Parameters!SOCQ2.Value,Fields!Planned_x0020_End_x0020_Date.Value))))* Fields!ProjectValue.Value/Fields!RemainingDays.Value, sum, "table1_ProjectManager")ta
ctManger is the name of the group section.
After 1.5 weeks of banging my head against the wall - I finally had a solution that worked!