Question : Connect to a Crosstab query in Access from Excel

I am connecting to Accesss 2003 from Excel 2003 using an ODBC connection. I want the query results to load directly into Excel. This works with Select queries not with the Crosstab query I want to see. Is this simply not possible and, if so, why? Otherwise could you help, please? I am getting a message box with this message...
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Invalid character value for cast specification on column number 28 (9)

Many thanks

Answer : Connect to a Crosstab query in Access from Excel

It should work. I've just tested with Access and Excel from OfficeXP.

The error message you're getting suggests it is perhaps just one column that is causing you the problem. Try making a copy of your crosstab query and simplify it for testing. Try omitting whatever appears in column 28 and see if it works then. Sounds like Excel is trying to convert data and failing.
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