Question : what are the rules in windows 7 with CAL's with terminal server connections?

HI, I was wondering what the rules with CAL's and windows 7.  I know xp home can connect to terminal servers for 90 days, xp pro forever, and past that I'm kinda  a bit lost.  I have a client that could connect his 7 biz system for a few days (Monday through Tuesday of the next week), then he got the lic protocol error.

Also, is there a way to regedit out the time thing like xp.  I only ask this when I need to administer terminal servers, but don't want to take a cal since I may be on different computers each time.

Thanks guys.

Answer : what are the rules in windows 7 with CAL's with terminal server connections?

[I know xp home can connect to terminal servers for 90 days, xp pro forever,] <-- This only applies to Windows 2000 TS. From 2003 and beyond, you need a separate CAL for each XP Pro client as well, since they changed the licensing policies from 2003.

Afaic, you need a separate TSCAL no matter which OS you run on the client as long as you run a 2003 TS or newer.

Beware that with Windows server 2008 R2, the licensing policies once again have been renewed, and the TSCAL's have also been renamed.

More info can be found here:
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