Question : SQL 2008 - Need to use calcualted field in another calculation
I need to use a calculated field in a query in another area of the same query. I have
SUM(tbl_nav_now - nav_past) AS Change, and I tried the following
Sum(Change / tbl_nav_now) AS Percent but it did not like it. What would be the correct syntax with rounding?
Any help is appreciated.
Answer : SQL 2008 - Need to use calcualted field in another calculation
are you ignoring my post?
Sum(Change / tbl_nav_now) AS Percent
Sum((tbl_nav_now - nav_past) / tbl_nav_now) AS Percent
if you exactly want x.xx format you should use cast
Cast(Sum((tbl_nav_now - nav_past) / tbl_nav_now), decimal(10,2)) AS Percent
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