Question : How would I use linq  instead of dataset/dataview/datatable<wbr /> in the following scenario

I have not started using linq and not sure if this could be done any easier using linq.  I have a dataset with a master and detail tables. (created with an sql stored procedure).   In order to edit detail records associated with a particular masterID, i use a dataview to isolate the detail records for that particular masterID.  

instead of directly editing the dataview, I create a datatable of the filtered rows.  I attach this to a grid and do my inserts, deletes,edits.  After saving, i then delete from the Detail Table all detail records with this masterID and then append the records from the newly created table to this detail table.  I update all tables in the dataset using the dataadapter and an sql stored procedure.

Would using linq make this easier. I am using 2008 and sql 2008, windows app.

Answer : How would I use linq  instead of dataset/dataview/datatable<wbr /> in the following scenario

Linq would have made forming the queries a bit shorter, but not really easier. When you look into linq and like it it saves you typing a few lines here or there, but it definitely is no difference from a strategical point of view. If you transform a lot into xml linq can be a good help to save some time, but if you dont you will mainly only experience linq as a way to make the syntax a bit easier. For an existing project i would not recommend suddenly inserting linq code, but i suggest you take a look at the msdn articles, they give good examples about what you can do with it, maybe you will use it in your next project if you like what you see:
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