Question : Windows XP Blue Screen Errors

I work at a facility that have about 20 PC's on a network.  Starting around mid-October, around half of these machines started getting blue screen errors.  The main error has been BAD_POOL_CALLER, but I have seen BAD_POOL_HEADER and IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.  None of the errors have disabled the machines as they all have rebooted without issue.  Some machines have had an error once and nothing since.  Some have had errors three or four times over a span of a couple weeks.  The errors talk about recent hardware or software updates as being the possible issue.  Outside of doing automatic Windows updates and Symantec Endpoint Protection updates, nothing else new has been added.  If it was a single PC doing this I would assume a hardware issue (CPU temp, failing RAM, etc.), but since it is multiple, I think it may be Windows or Symantec.  Any help would be appreciated.

Answer : Windows XP Blue Screen Errors

Thanks for the minidumps .. from their analysis >

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x19_20_WpsHelper+9c1
IMAGE_NAME:  WpsHelper.sys


WpsHelper.sys is also a Symantec file >

>>My thought was uninstalling completely and seeing if it happens again<<     << i agree!
That seems better than uninstalling and reinstalling.

You may wish to read this Symantec article ..
"How to manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection client from Windows 2000, XP and 2003, 32-bit Editions":

But to be absolutely sure, i would consider it still prudent to scan for Malware.
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