Question : Sum several items based on individual criteria for each item

Hello!  I am trying to sum several items based on individual criteria for each item.  For example:
If [Item1]=6[Item1Qty]  PLUS If [Item2]=6[Item2Qty]  PLUS If [Item3]=6[Item3Qty]  
Basically, if either Item 1,Item 2 or Item 3 = 6, then I want to add together their respective quantities. Heres what Im currently using, but its not working properly:
= Sum(IIf([Item1]=6,[Item1 Qty],IIf([Item2]=6,[Item2 Qty],IIf([Item3]=6,[Item3 Qty],IIf([Item4]=6,[Item4 Qty],IIf([Item5]=6,[Item5 Qty],IIf([Item6]=6,[Item6 Qty],IIf([Item7]=6,[Item7 Qty],IIf([Item8]=6,[Item8 Qty],IIf([Item9]=6,[Item9 Qty],0))))))))))
Can anyone help?

Answer : Sum several items based on individual criteria for each item


you cannot nest the IIFs, because if Item1 is 6 you would sum "6", otherwise you would sum the rest and so on.
If you really want to solve that on this way, try it with this:

=IIf([Item1] = 6, [Item1 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item2] = 6, [Item2 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item3] = 6, [Item3 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item4] = 6, [Item4 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item5] = 6, [Item5 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item6] = 6, [Item6 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item7] = 6, [Item7 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item8] = 6, [Item8 Qty], 0) + IIf([Item9] = 6, [Item9 Qty], 0)

It would be better to create a VBA function to loop through the numbered elements and add them. At the end you can insert the function into the field where you want the output.


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