Question : is there a procedure view button in vs 2008 like there is in vb6


I find the procedure view button really useful when coding in vb6 but i cant find this button in visual studio.

It is the button to only show on screen the function you are viewing rather than being able to scroll through all functions.

Does this exist in visual studio and if so where would i find the button?


Answer : is there a procedure view button in vs 2008 like there is in vb6

Now I am sure , it is not supported !

This is taken from a thread on 2010 features on

I am glad to see that your team has taken care of many suggestions but I still dont see any work being done to implement all time great feature of classic VS-6 (VB 6 IDE) procedure view and full module view option on bottom of the editor. Procedure view helps developer to concentrate on a single procedure without having looking at other part of the code. This is very imp from developers point of view when criticle changes / debuggins is done. I request you to pl pl pl bring back the classic feature.
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