Question : Access 2007 links to SQL Server 2000 tables not updateable

I have developed an Access 2007 program that links to about 20 SQL Server 2000 tables running on SBS 2003.  

All has been working well except for today I get Runtime error 3326 - Recordset not updateable when I try to enter data.  I opened the linked tables in Access and I cannot enter data into the linked tables - there is a message that the table is not updateable.  I have a compiled version of the program on another PC and it is still working fine.

The database is actually SQL Server 2000 not SQL Server 2005.

What do I do about this error?


Answer : Access 2007 links to SQL Server 2000 tables not updateable

Have you tried this?;EN-US;304179

If the compiled version work fine on your PC, then I'm wondering if the linked tables in the uncompiled version are connecting to the SQL server with a different user id that does not have adequate access to the tables.  If the above url doesn't help, I would try looking at the log on the SQL server.
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