Question : Want to remove extra numerical information (zip codes, etc.) from a text file that has thousands of addresses to only leave a 10-digit phone number (area code + phone number)?
I have a long list of address information (phone numbers + area code, street addresses, etc.) in a text file on a disc and I want to use Microsoft Access to open the text file and to "clean up" the data so that only the 10-digit phone numbers (there are no hyphens in the numbers) are left. Looking to do this using Accel but also have Excel and I am more expert with Excel.
Answer : Want to remove extra numerical information (zip codes, etc.) from a text file that has thousands of addresses to only leave a 10-digit phone number (area code + phone number)?
replace it with tblPhone
also you might have a blank line in your text file
sub getPhoneNo() dim rs as Dao.recordset dim s as string, telPhone set rs=currentdb.openrecordset("tblPhone") open "C:\MyText.txt" for input as #1 do until eof(1) line input #1, s
if len(s)>10 then rs.addnew rs("PhoneNumber")=left(s,10) rs.update end if
loop close #1
end sub