Question : Vista not Browsing but connected

Have a cusomters laptop can connect to networks but cannot browse any sites
I am able to ping sites, run tracert and that runs fine
Works in safe mode though

I have tried the following
browse via IP
IP reset
winsock reset
malwarebytes scan
IE reset
ip v6 turned off
restore to earliest available point
installed Firefox
VPN (wouldnt connect)
disabled firewall
Tried uninstalling IE8
ms security essentials

Not specifically in order though

I have googled till my hearts consent and have found plenty of people who have had a similar issue including 2 posts here, but none seems to point out what the actual cause was / is
would very much like to avoid reloading the entire machine.

Mcafee was installed latley but i have removed it using the special tools to completley remove it

Answer : Vista not Browsing but connected

Something's definitely blocking your access to internet as it's working in safe mode.
Can you type 'msconfig' in run window and post your startup and services tab screenshot.
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