Question : two servers on one internet connection

Can I setup two domain controllers using on Dsl connection with 5 available static ips. Its been a while since I setup a system link this, but asl long as I can direct the servers to a specific ip address is should work right via a switch. Or will I need separate internet connection to separate the servers? Basically situation is two companies need to separate as so many do these days. They are on the same site and have been using one server. Current config. Cisco router, Netgewar switch and Windows Server 2003 standard box. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Answer : two servers on one internet connection

You will need to configure VLANS on the switch so that they ate seperate.  Unless your using static IP's

otherwise the DHCP is going to get confusing.

I would then put each domain on a different IP range and VLAN
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