Question : saving gridView selected reords in DataSet

my problem is now that how to save selected items(records) of gridView in dataset.and then again i have to put that dataset in session.and on cleck even i have to call dataset which is in session.lets i have one dataset named datasetOne .i am using this dataset for binding gridView .again user selects some reocords using check box in gridview and clicks on save button .then i need all selected records should be save in newly created dataset lets i have here all selected records should save in datasetTwo with its respective feilds(columns) value.and finally i will have to retrive session dataset's value on click button to do it?

Answer : saving gridView selected reords in DataSet

as I said in my previous post if you have a dataset as the datasource of the GridView control and need to move that to a different dataset then just do this
DataSet FilteredDataSet=((DataSet)GridView1.DataSource); //This is assuming your GridView is called GridView1
after this code is executed FilteredDataSet will hold whatever data is held in the GridView control
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